2019年5月2日,梦幻黄山纽约开屏,向世界展示“梦幻黄山 礼仪徽州”的独特魅力。
这个五一小长假期间,海拔1600米之上的黄山之巅,吸引了来自世界各地游客的目光。与此同时,黄山走进大洋彼岸的美国,在纽约世贸中心、联合国总部以及中国驻美大使馆连续开展三场专题推介会,多角度、全方位、近距离向美国民众和海外游客展示着“美好安徽 梦幻黄山 迎客天下”的品牌形象,收获了满满的关注和好评。
推介活动期间,黄山市市委副书记、市长孔晓宏、黄山旅游发展股份有限公司董事长章德辉、黄山形象大使、艾问创始人艾诚受邀同纳斯达克亚太区主席麦柯奕(Bob McCooey)及纳斯达克中国区首席代表郝毓盛进行会谈,共议中国企业在纳斯达克的机遇与未来。
There are about 500 traditional companies that are using new technology in Huangshan City, including those car businesses, new retail businesses, cultural businesses, etc. When talking about the listing on Nasdaq, I think that some companies in Huangshan City are qualified. What kind of Chinese companies are welcomed?
Bob McCooey:我认为公司应该根据自己的实际情况做出最适合自己的选择,所以我们不会劝公司一定要进行海外上市。因为实际上大多数公司还是会更适应他本土的市场,就像大多数美国公司在美国上市,大多数中国公司在中国上市。如果他们选择纳斯达克,那么我坚信我们纳斯达克将会是他们最理想的合作伙伴。
Well, I would think the company should make the best decision that~q~s for them. So we don~q~t try to convince companies not to list locally because most companies actually belong in their local market. Most US companies list on US markets. Most Chinese companies list on the local market. And so if they do make that decision, then we firmly believe that Nasdaq is the right partner for them and that~q~s where we compete.
Bob McCooey去年曾表示:“或许有小部分公司将决定在亚洲本地市场以外的其他地方上市,不过,我们会大力追求它们,而且也相信它们会在纳斯达克上市。”据艾问(iask-media.com)统计,2018年共有36家中国企业选择在纳斯达克和纽交所完成上市,总融资规模92.05亿美元。其中有超过半数的中企选择登陆纳斯达克,融资规模占总融资额的54%。进入2019年,纳斯达克与中企的连接更加紧密,赴美上市的12家中企无一例外地都选择了登陆纳斯达克。
Could you please give some suggestions for Chinese tourist companies listed on the Chinese main board that rely more on the natural resources if we want to be listed on Nasdaq?
Bob McCooey:首先要看你是否需要融资。如果您不需要融资的话,其实没有必要再去花费额外的成本进行海外上市。
So first of all, I want to say, do you want to or need to raise more capital? If you don~q~t, then there may not be any other reason to add additional cost to your business if you don~q~t need additional capital to grow your business.
Secondly, if you were going to grow your business outside of china, it might make a lot of sense for you to do additional listing um, on Nasdaq in the United States.
That being said, if you decide that you want to do additional listing you know Nasdaq provides all of the services and the support that you need to make that transition. We~q~re the only exchange in the world who owns the services to help companies make the tough transition from private to public, or certainly from one side of the world to the other in terms of the listing along with the branding and marketing and investor services that company needs.
So we work very closely with our companies. That~q~s why we have a team in Beijing led by Chris, the team in Hong Kong who primarily perform the services that companies need and employ from us. Uh, but we spend a lot of time with our companies because we truly believe that this is a long-term partnership that we create with them rather than just a transaction.
As a dream land of global emerging science and technology enterprises, would you welcome companies like more traditional business over here?
Bob McCooey:大家总觉得纳斯达克好像就只有科技类公司,但其实很多非科技类公司也在纳斯达克上市,比如很多来自中国的公司都是创新型公司,但他们并非科技型公司。
I think that people always just associate Nasdaq with technology companies while most of our companies are not technology companies. They are all innovative and entrepreneurial, like Chinese companies, but they~q~re not all technology companies.
Since 2019, does any Chinese companies listed on Nasdaq impress you?
Bob McCooey:我觉得已经上市的好几家中国公司都还不错,市场的反应也表明了对这些好公司的欢迎。还有一些即将上市的公司也都不错。
I would say that quite a few ones that have gone public already are impressive companies. We’ve seen companies will join Nasdaq family in the near future, are pretty interesting as well.
艾诚:问题是上市之后, 大部分的中国公司到美国面临一个问题,什么样的中国故事是美国资本容易接受的?因为我们也看到很多企业在资本市场遭遇滑铁卢。
Considering the failure of some Chinese companies listed in the United States, what kind of story do you think is persuasive for the investors in the United States?
Bob McCooey:资本市场上最重要的故事是这个行业的成长性,这家公司要怎么成长,会有什么样的成长机会,扩张是否能超越区域甚至超越中国的范畴?所以关于成长性的故事一定能让公司成为关注的焦点。让投资者看到你的产品有巨大的市场,这也是为什么新氧和Beyond Meat能在上市后有如此好表现的原因所在。
Well, the most important story in the markets is growth. How are you growing? What is your opportunity to continue to grow? Will you grow outside of your province?Will you grow outside China? So the growth story is something that is what~q~s getting the most attention to uh companies. It~q~s the reason why So-Young did so well today. It is the reason why Beyond Meat did well today in their IPOs. It is because investors recognize that there is a huge market for their products.
会谈的最后,孔晓宏市长再次表达了对Bob McCooey的感谢,他也希望黄山市的企业在未来几年能有机会登陆纳斯达克。
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